From the course: Maya: Motion Graphics Workflow with MASH

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MASH: Time node

MASH: Time node

- [Voiceover] In this video, we're going to take a look at the MASH Time Node, and the Time Node, like the Color Node, is a node that gets created for you automatically when you make a MASH network, and it's super useful in terms of looping animations and offsetting things in time. So, let's take a look at what to do with it. We're going to create a polygon primitives cube. Let's go under our Cube Settings, and let's make it ten units high, and we'll subdivide it ten units. Okay, we've got that. So now what we want to do is we're gonna create a bend deformer that animates this so we have something to see time offsetting with. So, let's make sure we have our Rigging menu selected. Let's go under Deform, Non-linear Bend. Let's open up our outliner in perspective view, I'm going to hit four in the viewport so we can see the wire frame, we can see our bend deformer. Okay, so let's make sure we're at frame one. Now, I'm going to go to my bend deformer, I'm gonna set the curvature to 80…
