From the course: Introduction to 3D
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Render in Blender
- [Instructor] With my lights and cameras in place, we can now start to render. I'm going to actually go into my View here, and let's highlight the perspective View, and Toggle Quad View. So now I've got my camera in place, I can also roll my mouse button to zoom in, and shift + middle mouse button to pan this camera view, so I can get a pretty large view of it on the screen. Now, let's go ahead and set up our final rendering. I'm going to go over here to Context Render, and again we have our Render Engine is Cycles, and we can also change our output. So right now I have 1920 by 1080, but I'm also only rendering 50%, so I'm rendering half of that. We can bring it up to 100% if we want. I'm going to leave it here, just so it renders faster. Now, we can also affect the way rendering happens by going through some of these parameters here, so we can affect our Light Paths, and that will affect how much light bounces through…
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Blender interface and overview2m 22s
Viewports and navigation in Blender3m 18s
Select objects in Blender2m 41s
Move, rotate, and scale in Blender4m 24s
Creating hierarchies in Blender2m 58s
Add color in Blender3m 31s
Add texture in Blender2m 57s
Add cameras in Blender2m 30s
Set up lights in Blender5m 2s
Render in Blender2m 37s