From the course: Maya 2018 Essential Training
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Understanding cameras - Maya Tutorial
From the course: Maya 2018 Essential Training
Understanding cameras
- [Instructor] Rendering is a lot like photography. You need lights, and you also need cameras. So let's take a look at how to create cameras in Maya. Now, the first camera that you've used in Maya is probably the perspective window. This is actually a camera, and by navigating in this scene, we actually are manipulating a camera. But let's go ahead and create a separate camera in Maya. Now, we can do this under the Rendering Shelf. There is an option to Create Camera. We also have under Create, Camera. So we have Camera, Camera and Aim, which aims the camera at a target, and then Camera, Aim, and Up, which aims a camera at a target, plus has a control to tilt the camera. We're just going to work with a simple camera. So let's go ahead and create this. Now, as you can see, it comes in this scene a little bit small, so actually I'm going to go ahead and scale this up just a little bit, and that won't affect the camera at all. And now I have a camera in the scene. And as you can see, we…
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Render Settings menu4m 13s
Use Render View3m 33s
Maya lights and lighting types7m 27s
Understanding cameras8m 22s
Use the Light Editor2m 43s
Batch render animation2m 25s
Understanding Render Setup4m 2s
Use overrides in Render Setup8m 44s