From the course: Maya: Tips, Tricks & Techniques

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Understanding wrap deformers in Maya

Understanding wrap deformers in Maya - Maya Tutorial

From the course: Maya: Tips, Tricks & Techniques

Understanding wrap deformers in Maya

- [George] Hi, I'm George Maestri, and today, we're going to take a look at wrap deformers. Wrap deformers are a great way to deform complex geometry, and they're very similar to lattices, but they have a lot more control. So, let's just go ahead and dive in. I have a very simple scene here. I've got one, two high-resolution spheres, and then some low-resolution objects, which we will use to wrap deform these. So, let's go ahead and just show you some of the basics of Wrap Deformer. So I'm going to go ahead and take this sphere here, called Deform_A, and then, just place it, I'm going to go into Wireframe Mode here, place it over the other sphere. And so, what we're going to do is use this as a deforming object. So I'm going to go ahead and select my high-resolution sphere, and then, Shift + Select the deforming sphere. And then, under our Rigging menu set, you'll find Deform, Wrap. And I'm just going to use the defaults here. And let's just go ahead and wrap that object. And when I…
