From the course: Maya: Tips, Tricks & Techniques
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Understanding wrap deformers in Maya - Maya Tutorial
From the course: Maya: Tips, Tricks & Techniques
Understanding wrap deformers in Maya
- [George] Hi, I'm George Maestri, and today, we're going to take a look at wrap deformers. Wrap deformers are a great way to deform complex geometry, and they're very similar to lattices, but they have a lot more control. So, let's just go ahead and dive in. I have a very simple scene here. I've got one, two high-resolution spheres, and then some low-resolution objects, which we will use to wrap deform these. So, let's go ahead and just show you some of the basics of Wrap Deformer. So I'm going to go ahead and take this sphere here, called Deform_A, and then, just place it, I'm going to go into Wireframe Mode here, place it over the other sphere. And so, what we're going to do is use this as a deforming object. So I'm going to go ahead and select my high-resolution sphere, and then, Shift + Select the deforming sphere. And then, under our Rigging menu set, you'll find Deform, Wrap. And I'm just going to use the defaults here. And let's just go ahead and wrap that object. And when I…
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Create environments using Camera Match9m 54s
Create rope and pulley assemblies with nHair10m 8s
Get the best quality out of Arnold renders7m 59s
Glass and refractive surfaces in Arnold10m 53s
Volumetric lighting in Arnold7m 59s
Rig cartoon eyes9m 58s
Model a threaded hex head bolt15m 15s
Model a threaded nut12m 40s
Use XGen to create grass9m 55s
Attract a moth to a light MASH9m 32s
Create tracks in the snow9m 35s
Make characters lift objects6m 49s
Model a car tire9m 50s
Remove legacy mental ray nodes12m 1s
Create wireframe renders using toon shaders6m 43s
Rig and animate a tank track15m 54s
Understanding wrap deformers in Maya7m 17s
Create simple hair using XGen7m 31s
Bump and displacement mapping in Arnold9m 5s
Work with emissive shaders in Arnold7m
Create replacement animation9m 24s
Model and rig a flower bloom8m 1s
Quick fluids using nCloth10m 31s
UV unwrapping a head13m 58s
Improve interactivity in Viewport 2.06m 17s
Animate a metal chain using nCloth8m 6s
Write a script to toggle Arnold opacity10m 33s
Render an x-ray effect in Arnold9m 1s
Simulate red blood cells in an artery14m 2s
Create a stencil with layered shaders10m 24s
Rig a coiled spring4m 59s
Use the Maya Cleanup tool to fix bad geometry9m 44s
Environmental lighting in Arnold11m 29s
Render 360-degree images in Arnold4m 58s
Understanding the Measure Tools6m 25s
Using substance textures in Arnold7m 36s
Using bonus tools5m 16s
Rig a skeleton quickly7m 32s
Model a vehicle impact using nCloth8m 10s
Animate with Walk Cycle Control6m 17s
Using the Turtle renderer8m 14s
Bake normal maps in Turtle7m 36s
Create ribbons and tubes using Curves8m 49s
Vehicle rendering in Arnold: Glass9m 57s
Vehicle rendering in Arnold: Car paint9m 47s
Vehicle rendering in Arnold: Chrome and metal7m 22s