From the course: Banjo Lessons: 1 Fundamentals

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“Wildwood Flower”:  Key of C

“Wildwood Flower”: Key of C

- The Carter Family, Helen, A.P. and Mother Maybelle, were some of the very first country stars when they recorded in 1928 and '29 down in Virginia for Ralph Peer, I believe it was. And A.P. Carter would just wander through the woods around where they lived and would collect songs. So he was probably the most famous song collector of his time, if not of many times. And one of the songs he discovered was "Wildwood Flower," which has become such a standard for country guitar players, and Mother Maybelle just put it on the map. And it's just a very pretty tune, and it works nicely on the banjo. And we're going to do it here in the key of C, where it's usually played. And I will play it once through for you and then we'll discuss it from there. (banjo playing "Wildwood Flower") And you go back into it on an endless, mobius strip of banjo playing. (banjo strum) So this has a two-note lead-in. (slow banjo playing) I'm kind of starting with a C chord with an open first string, so you have…
