From the course: Nuke Essential Training

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The Viewer playback controls

The Viewer playback controls - Nuke Tutorial

From the course: Nuke Essential Training

The Viewer playback controls

- [Instructor] The playback controls are used to play, stop, loop, and single step through your shot. There are even some keyboard shortcuts that you'll want to know about. So let's start with the forward here and the reverse controls over here. So I can go play forward and stop. Notice that the play button becomes its own stop button. So I can go reverse, stop. Now the forward, reverse, and stop buttons are also keyboard shortcuts J, K, and L. These are the same ones used in most editing systems. However, for them to work, the cursor must be on the timeline or up here in the viewer. So I can go L to play forward, K to stop, J to play backwards, K to stop. We also have single frame control. Single frame forward, single frame reverse, and you have keyboard shortcuts are the left and right arrow keys. So right arrow, right arrow, left arrow, left arrow. This is your jump to the first frame and jump to the last frame buttons. Now these are key frame buttons here. Jump forward to the next…
