From the course: SharePoint 2016 Essential Training
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Build custom workflows with Sharepoint Designer
From the course: SharePoint 2016 Essential Training
Build custom workflows with Sharepoint Designer
- [Voiceover] In addition to running the built-in workflows, which as you noticed, there were only a couple, you have the ability to create custom work flows using SharePoint Designer and this feature is incredibly powerful. To create a custom workflow associated with a library or associated with a list, simply go to that list or library. I'm in the deliverables library of my project site. And, perhaps we have a rule that says that when a new item is placed into this library, we post an announcement or we send an email to the project leader or we send an email to someone who's supposed to review items that are here. Perhaps we log this in a separate list. Whatever it is we would like to do, the chances are pretty good we will be able to do that with a custom workflow. Let's go to workflow settings and rather than choosing add a workflow, which takes us to the built-in workflows, or workflow settings, which would let us see workflows that already exist, we know we don't have any here…
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