From the course: SharePoint 2016 Essential Training

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Log in to SharePoint

Log in to SharePoint

- [Voiceover] The last part of our introduction is learning how you actually connect to SharePoint. Normally when you are invited to a SharePoint site the person who invites you will have the SharePoint server send you an email message. So that you and everyone else invited at the same time with the same capabilities or permissions gets an email. For example, here in Outlook here's an invitation that takes me to the Landon Hotel intranet. And it says here's the site the Gini Courter shared with you. I simply click and I'm in the Landon Hotel Intranet which is the parent site for Team Landon San Francisco. Notice that I was automatically logged in here, because I was already logged into Team Landon SF. And normally if you have single sign on in your organization once you've logged into Windows you're logged into SharePoint as well, and you won't be prompted to log in. But it's possible that SharePoint is set up in a different way in your organization, and you'll be prompted for…
