From the course: SharePoint 2016 Essential Training
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Workflows: The basics
From the course: SharePoint 2016 Essential Training
Workflows: The basics
- [Voiceover] So, what's a workflow? In your organization or mine, a workflow is a process that proceeds from one activity to the next, to the next, until it's complete. So, in this example, perhaps we have a phone call with a customer. And after we take the phone call, someone fills out an order form. That order form is then sent to a supervisor who determines whether a group of people need to work on it, or whether it can simply be filed and then acknowledged with an e-mail or a letter back. In this particular workflow, there are two different branches: one that requires a little more human effort, and one that doesn't. But this same workflow could just as easily be a vacation request. I'm applying for a vacation. So, I fill out the form. I give it to my supervisor. My supervisor can approve it and pass it along to H.R. and I get a e-mail back that says "Hey, have a great vacation". Or, perhaps my supervisor doesn't have the authority and needs to send it to somebody else, perhaps…
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