From the course: Video Script Writing


- Hi! I'm Rick Allen Lippert. Welcome to Video Script Writing. This course will guide you through the video script writing process, with a primary focus on informational videos. We'll also include commercials and public service announcements. Along the way, we'll explore the modes of persuasion that are used to motivate viewers to your goals, whether it's to buy a product, make a donation, or change a behavior. I'll start by exploring what a script for an informational video should be and identifying the goals that you should have in mind before diving into the writing process. Next, we'll look at how to format a video script, in word processing applications like Microsoft Word and Pages, with a focus on using templates for the heavy lifting. Then we'll go through the actual steps of writing a short script for an informational video, from conception to finalization. Now, let's get started with Video Script Writing.
