From the course: The Traveling Photographer: London

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Chat with a local: The tripod police

Chat with a local: The tripod police

From the course: The Traveling Photographer: London

Chat with a local: The tripod police

- We mentioned the tripod focus on the South Bank, and it's a little iffy. That brings up a bit of a touchy subject. Among photographers, London has gotten a reputation as the home of the tripod police, where they're just waiting for you to open up a tripod. Is that still true? Should I worry if I'm bringing a tripod, and setting up in downtown London? And what should I think about? - It is always something to bear in mind no matter where you are whether it's London or anywhere else, but I think that that issue peaked around four years ago. I think at that point the City of London Police in particular became sensitive that they were sort of making life very difficult for themselves, and really getting a bad rap for it. - It was getting public. There were demonstrations and websites and stuff. - Absolutely, and with good reason because photographers did find themselves getting unwanted attention from the offices of the law even though they weren't doing anything wrong really. But if…
