From the course: Photography Foundations: Flash

Learn the basics of flash photography

From the course: Photography Foundations: Flash

Learn the basics of flash photography

- As a photographer, you might have subject matter that you're partial to. Maybe it's portraits, or landscapes, or street shooting. Sure, there's some subject matter that I prefer, but I'll happily shoot anything if the light is good enough. The problem is that events don't always conspire to lead you to interesting subject matter and great light at the same time. However, when it comes to light, you're not helpless because with the skillful use of handheld flashes, you can create your own great light. My name is Ben Long, and in this LinkedIn Learning course I'm going to introduce you to the basics of shooting with flash. Handheld flashes have great advantage over normal continuous lights. They're much smaller, they're extremely portable, and they produce a huge amount of light, far more than any continuous light that you should ever actually own. They also complicate the exposure process and are very easy to use incorrectly. Fortunately, learning to use them well is not difficult. In this course, I'm going to show you a simple approach that will make you more effective with any type of lighting instrument, and guide you through the process of crafting and executing great light with handheld flashes. of crafting and executing great light with handheld flashes.
