From the course: Photo Tips and Tools Weekly
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New brush color change with Lightroom Classic
From the course: Photo Tips and Tools Weekly
New brush color change with Lightroom Classic
- [Instructor] Hello, friends. In this week's episode, we are in Lightroom Classic. And here, I want to talk about how we can take advantage of a new feature in order to modify and change color. I also should point out that you may be noticing that I'm doing more tips in software because that those are the requests that I've been getting. So this one was about this new feature, which we can find when we access tools like our brush tool. And what we can do is we can paint in adjustments here and you can see that we can paint them in with this hue slider. Now, what exactly is that? Well, let me go ahead and zoom in on this image. And these are a bunch of flags that one of my friends makes and sells and they're kind of beautiful. And we have this flag here, which is red. And let's say my friend says, "Chris, "I would love to see what that flag would look like "if it was blue." So we think to ourself, well, okay, well, I can…