From the course: The Practicing Photographer

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Working with raw files on the iPhone

Working with raw files on the iPhone

From the course: The Practicing Photographer

Working with raw files on the iPhone

- Cellphone cameras keep getting better and better and offer the great feature of almost always being close at hand, still, if you're like me, you probably think of your cellphone camera as kind of a second-class photographic citizen. It's okay in a pinch but not a photographic tool you'd want to depend on. This is a prejudice that I'm learning that I need to get over because I've managed some very nice pictures with my iPhone camera. One of the reasons this prejudice persists for me is because when I shoot with a real camera I shoot in raw format and I become very accustomed to having the ability to freely alter white balance and more importantly to recover overexposed highlights. With the release of IOS 10 it is now possible to shoot raw with the iPhone. And I have to say raw on the iPhone can be a real lifesaver and it's helping me to give the phone its due as a photographic tool. However, before you can go firing up your…
