From the course: Learning Your Sony DSLR Camera

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A guided tour: Buttons and controls

A guided tour: Buttons and controls

From the course: Learning Your Sony DSLR Camera

A guided tour: Buttons and controls

- Let's start by taking a quick look - Let's start by taking a quick look - Let's start by taking a quick look at some of the essential buttons and controls at some of the essential buttons and controls at some of the essential buttons and controls on your camera. on your camera. on your camera. Don't worry if you hear me use a term Don't worry if you hear me use a term Don't worry if you hear me use a term that you're not familiar with. that you're not familiar with. that you're not familiar with. We'll explore most of these controls in more detail We'll explore most of these controls in more detail We'll explore most of these controls in more detail later on in the course. later on in the course. later on in the course. Let's start with the front of the camera. Let's start with the front of the camera. Let's start with the front of the camera. The power switch is used every time The power switch is used every time The power switch is used every time you want to…
