From the course: Drawing with Photoshop Sketch

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Accessing more brushes in Photoshop Sketch

Accessing more brushes in Photoshop Sketch - Photoshop Sketch Tutorial

From the course: Drawing with Photoshop Sketch

Accessing more brushes in Photoshop Sketch

- [Voiceover] So throughout this chapter so far, we've been exploring what you could consider to be the default brushes. In fact, as I recall, and you'll have to forgive me, because it's a while ago now, these are the default brushes that load when you first open the app. As you will have seen though, if you've been watching this sequentially, in movies like the smudge movie, a little way back, we accessed other brushes. So I'm going to do that now. I'm just going to long-press on one of the brush icons, and you can see that I actually get this whole menu here. There are even some brushes that have been absorbed across from Illustrator Line, which is sadly now discontinued, but happily absorbed into Illustrator Draw. There's another one of my favorites just here, the spray brush, and what I'm going to do is, close out of this sketch and go into a new blank one, just here, and change the color out for this, I'm just going to choose black. This is something I do quite often. Now I'm…
