From the course: Underwater Photography: Macro

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Critical focus

Critical focus

- [Instructor] In this movie, we're going to talk about critical focus. So here you can see this hawkfish we've shot with a very shallow depth of field so just the eye is sharp. And what we mean by critical focus is extracting those essential details with precise focus. So here again, we've got an example of an animal that we've shot with extremely shallow depth of field and we've got what we would call accurate critical focus. Where just the right part of the image is in focus and the rest of the image is nicely blurred out. Whereas here on the right, we've got another image in the same series but here you can see our focus was just ever so slightly off and that results in the wrong part of the image being soft. - [Instructor] And obviously, this is a subjective decision on your part, because after all, even in the case of poor critical focus, we do have some very sharp detail on that left eye. - [Instructor] Whatever your subjective decision, you just have to remember that that…
