From the course: Photoshop for Fashion Design: 2 Rendering Techniques
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Embroidery or top-stitch brush - Photoshop Tutorial
From the course: Photoshop for Fashion Design: 2 Rendering Techniques
Embroidery or top-stitch brush
[Instructor] Let's make a brush we can use for top stitching or embroidery, and this time we're going to apply it using a path. So, we'll start by zooming in here, and I'm going to make a brush that's just like a little whipstitch here. So we'll zoom in, I'm going to go to my Layers and turn off the color, grab a brush, let's size it, maybe a little bigger than that, and I'm just going to draw one little stitch here. Now I can turn off my illustration, select this, and we'll define it as a brush. So, Edit to find Brush Preset, we'll call it Whip Stitch, then we can delete it, and deselect the marching ants. Let's set this brush up so it's working the way we'd like it. I want it to be spaced, so we're going to go to our Brush Settings, we're going to go to Brush Tip Shape, and we're going to space it out a bit, and then in Shape Dynamics we want to make sure that the Angle Jitter control is set to Direction. So, this is pretty good, I think I will just rotate this a tiny bit so it's…
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Brush basics1m 58s
Bead brush5m 32s
Fur brush4m 52s
Making your own brush tip: Texture brush4m 20s
Hair brush2m 2s
Sketch brush3m 46s
Trim brush5m 9s
Embroidery or top-stitch brush5m 50s
Sparkle brush2m 50s
Magical brush4m 26s
Brush from photo: Texture7m 20s
Brush from photo: Trim5m 2s
Chain brush3m 12s
Saving, loading, and organizing brushes4m 6s