From the course: Photoshop: Channels and Masks

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Finessing and feathering a layer mask

Finessing and feathering a layer mask - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop: Channels and Masks

Finessing and feathering a layer mask

- [Instructor] All right now obviously we've gone too far with our masking, which is why in this movie I'm gonna show you at least one way to finesse and feather a layer mask. We're gonna be finessing the layer mask using the brush tool and we'll apply the feathering nondestructively from the properties panel. All right now I still have a selection outline in play and I can see that's the case by pressing Control + H or Command + H on the Mac in this case to unhide the selection. I don't want the image to be selected so I'll press Control + D or Command + D on the Mac to deselect it. Next you want to confirm that your layer mask thumbnail is selected here inside the layers panel and then I'll go ahead and zoom in here so that I can see the surfer at 100% and I'll go ahead and select my brush tool, which you can get by pressing the B key. Now there is a bunch of ways to brush inside of a mask. We're going to be doing so as simply as possible. Just by increasing the size of the brush…
