From the course: Photoshop: Tips and Quick Fixes (2019)
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How can I slim a face? - Photoshop Tutorial
From the course: Photoshop: Tips and Quick Fixes (2019)
How can I slim a face?
- There are many reasons why a face can look wider than it is. Things like camera angle or lens choice could emphasize the broadness of a face. Face Aware Liquefy makes this easy to fix. With your layer selected, Convert for Smart Filters. This'll allow the filter to be re-editable. Then, from the Filter menu, choose Liquefy. The face should be automatically found. You'll see it adds a series of control points. Now, we can adjust things. If I scroll down here to the Face Shape, you'll see the ability to tweak the jaw line and effectively, this is expanding or contracting the cheeks. If you go too far, it looks very fake, but a small change is quite useful and we could adjust the overall width of the face to pull in the outside cheeks. Again, go with a small number change here. Let's pull the chin height up just a little bit and if we toggle that on and off, you see how it just tucked the cheeks and pull them in a…
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