From the course: Drawing and Painting in Photoshop

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Image size in inches

Image size in inches

- [Instructor] The relationship between the number of pixels an image file is composed of, and its physical size, is determined by the image resolution. We are now back in the New File dialogue, and here we can have a closer look at the image resolution value. Image resolution is normally measured in pixels per inch, or PPI. In printing, pixels are often seen equivalent with dots so in printing the image resolution is normally referred to as dots per inch, or DPI. And that is a term that you have certainly heard before. The image resolution determines how many pixels fit into a specific physical space, in this case an inch. To understand all this a little bit better, we will set up an example. First, I change the unit for the image dimensions to inches. And I want my file to be one inch wide and one inch high. If I now set the image resolution to 100 pixels per inch, Photoshop would create a digital image file that is 100 pixels wide and 100 pixels high. And if I increase the…
