From the course: Photoshop CC 2017 One-on-One: Advanced

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Infusing the airplane with sky colors

Infusing the airplane with sky colors - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop CC 2017 One-on-One: Advanced

Infusing the airplane with sky colors

- [Narrator] All right, at this point I'm content that we've shaded the airplane properly to match the sky, but it isn't the right color, after all, this is a reflective object that would take into account the colors that surround it, which is why in this movie we're going to infuse our airplane with sky colors. All right, so the first thing we want to do is select some sky colors, so go ahead and click on the Background layer here inside the Layers Panel, and then press Control 0 or Command 0 on the Mac so that you can see all of the image, and go ahead and select the Rectangular Marquee tool, which you can get by pressing the M key, and then I'm going to drag from the lower right corner of the image up to select all of the clouds inside of this image. That is, all of the clouds below the horizon. And now I'm going to jump that selection to a new layer by pressing Control Alt J, Command Option J on the Mac, which gives me the option of naming the layer as I create it, and I'll just…
