From the course: Learning Photoshop Portrait Retouching

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Removing jewelry

Removing jewelry

- [Instructor] Sometimes in portrait retouching you may encounter a situation where you have to remove an object that the subject is wearing, like jewelry. Well how do you do something like that? Like with this image, let's say that we want to remove this bracelet here. In order to do that we're going to create two layers, we'll do the same exact thing on both layers, we'll just work on different sides of the image. And what we'll do is work with Cloning, Free Transform, and Warp. Let me show you how this works. Well it begins by creating a new layer so click on the New Layer icon. And I'll go ahead and double click this layer name and I'll call this Cleanup-1. Next, select the Clone Stamp tool in the Tools Panel. Up here in the Options Bar, let's choose a brush without any hardness, and a pretty big brush. Think we want to use one that's pretty big there, something like that. Now for the opacity I'll bring this all the way up to 100%. Aligned turned on, and Sample, All Layers. Next…
