From the course: Photoshop CC 2017 One-on-One: Advanced

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Shading the airplane to match the sky

Shading the airplane to match the sky - Photoshop Tutorial

From the course: Photoshop CC 2017 One-on-One: Advanced

Shading the airplane to match the sky

- Alright so it's all very well and good to mask an object to absolute perfection, but that doesn't mean that the object is going to match its new background. And so, in this movie, what we're going to do, is shade this airplane so that it better matches the sky. And so the first step is to make sure that the airplane layer is active, as we're seeing here inside the layers panel. Then you want to go up to the window menu and choose the adjustments command in order to bring up the adjustments panel. And now I want you to alt or option, click, so alt, click on a PC, or option, click on a Mac, on the very first icon here. The one that represents brightness contrast in order to create a new brightness contrast layer. And I'm going to name this layer darken and then you want to turn on the use previous layer to create clipping mask checkbox, and that way you'll affect the plane layer without affecting the sky. And then click ok. Alright now you could modify the brightness value if you want…
