From the course: Photoshop 2020 One-on-One: Fundamentals

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Softening a mask with Feather

Softening a mask with Feather

- [Instructor] All right now the problem with integrating vector based artwork into a photographic image is that vectors have very abrupt transitions, and photographs typically don't. So notice if I zoom in on the shark here, that he looks extremely sharp by comparison to the neighboring objects, and so what I need to do is soften things a little bit using the feather value, and to see what that looks like, I'll click on the shark, you want to make sure that the vector is selected right here, the vector based shape that is, and then you want to go up to the window menu and choose the properties command, in order to bring up the properties panel which is represented by this little cube right here, and notice these two options, this guy selects a vector mask, which is currently selected and did you get that vector mask? And so photoshop thinks that the path outlines that surround a vector based shape layer are…
