From the course: PowerPoint 2019 Essential Training
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Export as a video file
From the course: PowerPoint 2019 Essential Training
Export as a video file
- You can save your presentation as an mp4 video file or a windows media player file right from PowerPoint. PowerPoint can even include your audio. On the slide show tab, if you recorded your slideshow or set times. Your video can use those. For any sides that don't have narration or set timing, you can tell it how long you want each slide to remain, before moving on to the next slide. To create a video, click file on the top left hand side of the screen, export and then choose create a video. You need to make some choices. The first one is what file size and quality do you want your video to be. It defaults to full HD, which is a large file size and full high quality video. You can choose Ultra HD, HD, and all the way down to standard. Full HD will have the largest file size and the highest quality. Where standard will have a small file size, but your pictures and slides maybe blurry. I'll put it to full HD. After that you can choose whether or not you want to use a recorded times…
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