From the course: PowerPoint 2019 Essential Training
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Record and narrate a presentation
From the course: PowerPoint 2019 Essential Training
Record and narrate a presentation
- [Instructor] You can fully narrate your slide show and record it. This is great if you plan on preserving your presentation, such as including it on a DVD, publishing it to the web, or having people view it via Kiosk mode and wanting to be heard. All you need is a microphone, and PowerPoint will take care of the rest. You can even record your video if you have a webcam. Change to the Slide Show ribbon tab, and choose Record Slide Show. I'll choose to record from the beginning. Here, you can add annotations at the bottom. At the bottom, I can toggle the microphone on or off and the webcam on or off if you have one. I'll click Record, and off we go. Welcome to the Sales Strategy 2019 Presentation. Everything you hear is confidential. I can pause the narration by clicking the Pause icon. This can help me collect my thoughts if I need to. When I'm ready to go again, I can click Record again and move through the slides as normal by using the arrow keys or the mouse. When you're all done…
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