From the course: Creative Video Editing Techniques

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Invisible cut

Invisible cut

- The invisible cut is an edit that's meant to be completely hidden from the viewer. So you may or may not be very familiar with it because filmmakers have done everything possible to make you believe it's not there. Invisible cutting is a technique based in continuity editing. Since the cut is treated as if it didn't occur total continuity is maintained by making the shot seem unbroken. I will say, the invisible cut is somewhat of a trophy or a status symbol. Filmmakers often incorporate invisible cuts for the sake of saying that they've made a film without edits. Or at least without any visible edits. At any rate, it certainly takes a lot of planning and creativity to pull it off so I'm excited to show you some of these examples. Alfred Hitchcock is one of the first directors to tackle the invisible cut in his 1948 film "Rope". He wanted to promote it as an unedited film. But at the time cameras could only film about…
