From the course: Multi-Camera Video Production and Post
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Streaming multiple cameras with Facebook Live
From the course: Multi-Camera Video Production and Post
Streaming multiple cameras with Facebook Live
- Facebook live has become a very popular platform, and there are different ways of working with it if you're an individual versus a company or a brand and have a page. Let's start with the basic option, which is just doing a live stream, right from something like your timeline. What we can do here is on Facebook, simply make a post. Now remember, you can do that post as an individual or as a company or a brand. You'll click on live video and it will give you the option, by default it's going to assume if you're on the computer, that it's your web camera. But you'll notice over here on the right, that there's a popup list. So if multiple devices are connected you can actually select it. Now, you see we're getting a real-time preview from our encoding device, and when I'm ready I can share this to the timeline, post it in a group, attach it to an event, or share it on a page that I manage. So you can actually make a post multiple ways. You'll also see that you have the ability to set…
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Considerations when going live1m 58s
Switching the feed live with hardware4m 40s
Switching the feed live with software6m 49s
Encoding the video in real time for a live stream4m 59s
Streaming multiple cameras with YouTube Live4m
Streaming a traditional live multicamera production on YouTube Live4m 40s
Streaming multiple cameras with Facebook Live6m 27s
Learn more about streaming multiple cameras2m 38s