From the course: Multi-Camera Video Production and Post

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Streaming multiple cameras with YouTube Live

Streaming multiple cameras with YouTube Live

From the course: Multi-Camera Video Production and Post

Streaming multiple cameras with YouTube Live

- YouTube is a very popular site where people stream and watch video, however, you can actually do live streaming as well. And what's great here, is it's absolutely free. You just need a YouTube Partner account. Now applying for a YouTube Partner channel is pretty straightforward, you just need to verify your brand and make sure that you agree to basic terms, like if you're not going to pirate things or put out stuff that's a copyright violation and they'll turn on live streaming for you. Alright, once you've done that you'll just click on your profile icon and go to your Creator Studio. This will give you all of the videos that you have rights to. Then, click on the Live Streaming section and this will take you to the ability to either Stream Now, which is a real-time broadcast from when you click go, or the ability to Set Up An Event. Stream Now is great if you're going to just leave something open, maybe it's a multi-day festival or a conference and you just want to start the…
