From the course: Learning DSLR Filmmaking

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Using a clapperboard

Using a clapperboard

Brian Liepe: Traditional film cameras don't have the ability to record audio, so they've had to record audio with an external recorder and then sync them up in post production. Because external audio recorders are also common with DSLR cameras, we have to sync up the audio and video in post as well. One of the most common tools for syncing audio and video is the use of a clapper board, also called a clapper or slate in production. It is common on sets to use a clapper board app for the iPad or other tablet. You can input info about the production and the shot, and then have it click like this. This gives you a visual reference, so that you can sync the audio and video later. In a pinch, you can just have someone that clap their hands in front of the camera. The key is to just do something that makes a distinct noise that you can see on camera. One last tip: set your date and time in your camera to match the clock on your slate. Although these cameras don't generate time code you can…
