From the course: Audio Mixing Master Class

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Balance kick and bass

Balance kick and bass

- [Instructor] One of the toughest things for some mixers to do is to get the right balance between the kick and the bass. Here's a trick that will help carve out a place in the mix for both instruments. First of all let's listen to the mix and concentrate on the kick and the bass. ("Every Day Is A Gift" by Patricia Bahia) (fun bass and kick music) Now they both sound pretty good. They're recorded well. They both have enough high end and a good amount of low end but they do overlap in some of the frequencies. What we're going to try to do is actually carve out a place so they both sit better, have a bigger sound, and a more defined sound, and yet don't fight each other. And there's a couple approaches that we can take but the first thing we'll do is we'll concentrate on the kick. Now have a listen to it and what I'm going to do is cut the compressor in and out and you can hear why that makes such a big difference. (playful kick drum music) And you can hear it gives it just a little…
