From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Bass amp and mic distance

Bass amp and mic distance

- [Larry] This was a fun experiment. I placed three of the same dynamic microphones on a base amp. One was up close to the speaker, one was three feet away, and the last one was six feet back. I tried to get the levels the same for each mic, and recorded them simultaneously. Let's take a listen, we'll start with the mic that's close to the amp, then one in the middle, and then the far one. (deep bass riff) (bass riff continues, without deep tones) (bass riff continues, higher in tone with faint reverb) So you can hear, the close mic sounds kind of boomy with a definite proximity effect but it also captures a nice, thick low-end tone. The middle mic sounds less low end woofy and maybe because of that the attack or the click of the bass seems more pronounced. A bit less of the high end click of the close mic, and a solid mid range image. I kind of like this sound, and I'm not sure I would have predicted that. Not surprisingly, the mic that's six feet away sounds a little bit roomy, it…
