From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Kick drum and bass guitar bus mix glue

Kick drum and bass guitar bus mix glue - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Kick drum and bass guitar bus mix glue

- [Narrator] For years I've heard of this technique of running a parallel channel of kick and bass into a compressor, and blending it back into the mix in order to support the low end and presence of these instruments, and also create some low end glue to hold everything together. Now for some reason I'd never really tried this out. First I put bus sends on the main kick and bass tracks, then set them to pre-fader. This allows you to hear the blend of these tracks when the new bus is soloed. I've already set up an aux track, or bus return, and we send the kick and bass to this track. Now solo the new bus. I've labeled it glue. Now you can adjust the ratio of kick to bass via the sends, and decide which blend will work best in this mix. In this case, the bass seems loud at unity, so I will turn it down a bit, against the kick drum. (bass and kick drum music) - I'll put a simple compressor on this track, and adjust it to…
