From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Kick drum sidechained from bass

Kick drum sidechained from bass - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Kick drum sidechained from bass

- [Instructor] After trying out the classic trick of sidechaining compressor on a bass guitar from a kick drum track in my bass sidechain from kick drum video, I thought I'd reverse this. Now I'm going to try a kick drum sidechained from the bass guitar. To set this up, first I put a send on the bass track. Always make sure to make it pre-fader, so that if you solo the kick, the send is still being sent and will affect the compressor we use. Then put the compressor on the kick drum track. Assign the key input to the bus we are sending from. In proper studio parlance this should be labeled sidechain input, but I guess no one at Pro Tools knew that. You'll also need to engage what's actually called sidechain, forcing it to replace the kick drum track as the detector signal, or the audio that the compressor reacts to. So what do we get? Let's take a listen. (soft rock music) (soloed kick drum beat) (soft rock music) So, as you can hear mostly what's happening is we're just making the…
