From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 110 - Advanced Techniques

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Recording in layers with MIDI Merge mode

Recording in layers with MIDI Merge mode

by adding some additional parts. MIDI merge mode is incompatible with loop record since loop record mode replaces the current clip with each new take, whereas MIDI merge mode adds to the current clip. So if we choose Options, Loop Record, to disable it, now our MIDI merge button is available again, and clicking on it toggles MIDI merge mode on. Next, I'll enable loop playback and record enable the track. And now I'll solo the track along with the drum loop track, and begin playback to start auditioning sounds. and begin playback to start auditioning sounds. (upbeat drum music) (upbeat drum music) And I'm looking for some high hats here. And I'm looking for some high hats here. Okay, that'll work. Okay, that'll work. So once I'm ready, I can record arm the session on the fly, and then begin recording when I'm ready. (drum music combined with tapping beat) Alright, that sounds good, so now I can toggle Alright, that sounds good, so now…
