From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

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Using a speaker mic on bass amps

Using a speaker mic on bass amps - Pro Tools Tutorial

From the course: Real Recording School Weekly

Using a speaker mic on bass amps

- [Instructor] For years, our frequently used homemade speaker mic on recording kick drum where the speaker acts as a microphone. In another video from this real recording school weekly series, speaker mic on kick drums, I should how I bought a cheap speaker, wired it up to a quarter-inch jack, mounted it to a stand, and ran it to a DI box to capture the load bump of a kick drum. Here, I tried it out on a bass amp with interesting results. Here's the bass captured by the fancy tube mic. (quiet bass line) Here's the same bass via the speaker mic. (quiet bass line) It sounds far better than I expected, with a fairly wide tonal range and great low-end response. I was used to just hearing the thud of a kick drum to this mic, then I listened closer, and I realized what I didn't like about the sound. Note how some of the bass notes are uneven in volume. (quiet bass line) That's probably to be expected from a transducer meant…
