From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 101 - The Basics
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Using virtual instruments - Pro Tools Tutorial
From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 101 - The Basics
Using virtual instruments
- Let's continue to explore the differences between MIDI and instrument tracks by looking at how to use virtual instruments in our session. And how to audition virtual instruments from a connected MIDI keyboard. Virtual instruments are software equivalents of external hardware synthesizers or sound modules, and are available in Pro Tools in the form of realtime plug-ins. We can add virtual instruments using inserts on aux input tracks or on instrument tracks. In either case, the virtual instrument will need to be triggered by MIDI data being routed to it. I'll start by configuring a virtual instrument using the old school method of placing it on an aux input. In this session, I've added an aux input track here. And so we'll use the insert at the top of the track to select a multi-channel plugin. And under the instrument category, I'll select the Mini Grand plugin, which comes with Pro Tools. When the plugin launches, we can see the instrument and click on the keys to hear the sound…
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