From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 110 - Advanced Techniques
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Working with virtual instruments - Pro Tools Tutorial
From the course: Pro Tools 2021 Essential Training: 110 - Advanced Techniques
Working with virtual instruments
- [Teacher] Pro Tools comes with a variety of great-sounding virtual instruments that you can use with the MIDI in your sessions. Working with MIDI gives you lots of flexibility to make changes. However, at times, you'll want to convert your virtual instrument output to audio to save on processing resources. Let's take a quick look at some of your options. Virtual instruments run as real-time inserts on tracks in Pro Tools, and they're commonly placed on aux input tracks or instrument tracks. Here, I've got the Expand 2 plugin on the MIDI drums track using a drum preset. (drum music) This plugin has a variety of drum presets I can use, (drum music) along with a host of other sound options. (funky music) Now, Pro Tools includes other virtual instruments that you can explore, including Boom, which is a drum machine style plugin with a built-in pattern sequencer. (drum music) Now, if you're not seeing Boom on your system, it may mean that you still need to run the installer for the Air…
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Understanding track timebases4m 25s
Changing the track timebase4m 13s
Working with virtual instruments6m 44s
Track views and controls for MIDI data5m 56s
Troubleshooting MIDI auditions5m 25s
Troubleshooting MIDI playback4m 29s
Editing MIDI clips2m 41s
Editing MIDI notes with the Pencil tool5m 2s