From the course: Adaptive Project Leadership

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Agile project management

Agile project management

- In traditional project management, the project manager is responsible for a project's overall success or failure. In an actual framework, however, these responsibilities are distributed across the roles on the agile team. The roles are the product owner or PO, the team, and the project manager or scrum master. Let's start by taking a look at which responsibilities are assumed by the product owner. The PO is a business expert assigned to the team and dedicated throughout the project. The PO takes over tasks related to product and business decisions. First, they take over scope management. Scope is the definition of the product and what this project intends to create or change. It makes perfect sense that product features and priorities should be made by a business person dedicated to the project. The PO also takes on schedule management. Agile projects are allowed to be as short or as long as needed to complete a product. As the PO adds and removes product features, the project…
