From the course: Project Management Foundations: Small Projects
From the course: Project Management Foundations: Small Projects
- Years ago, I managed small projects for clients when my company was acquired by a large corporation. I attended a training session on their project management methodology and received a pair of four-inch thick ring binders. That was the documentation for their methodology. My projects had one or two people working on a handful of tasks. Way different than the multimillion dollar projects the corporation normally did. I described my projects to the instructor and asked what parts of the methodology I could skip for my tiny projects. She looked at me with disbelief and said, "None of them." Well I used the ring binders as a door stop and continued to manage my small projects with a simpler, yet effective approach. Hi, I'm Bonnie Biafore, I'm a project manager, consultant, and trainer, and I've been helping people manage projects for years. Project management doesn't have to be time consuming and complicated. In this course, we'll follow a simple approach with effective techniques I've learned over the years. I'll introduce you to key steps at the beginning of every project, no matter how large or small. Identifying what the project is supposed to achieve, how to tell if it's a success, and more. Next is planning a small project. How to organize information, identifying the work that needs to be done, estimating accurately, and building your schedule. I'll provide tips for getting things done once the project work begins and for tracking progress so the project stays on time and within budget. Finally, we'll go over steps to perform at the end of a project to tie up loose ends and help make your next project an even bigger success. This course covers what you need to know to make a small project a success. If you're like me, you're already juggling several small projects, so what are we waiting for? Let's get started.
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