From the course: Microsoft Project 2013 Essential Training

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Organizing tasks in a task list

Organizing tasks in a task list

As you build and manage your project, you'll probably end up reorganizing the tasks in your task list. You can change their outline levels, move them to a different summary task or delete tasks you don't need. If you have similar work in different portions of a project, you can copy tasks too. Well changing the Outline level depends really on where our task is in the outline. For example, Identify costs is a summary task; then it has a subtask, Identify additional costs. Well if I select the Identify additional costs and then on the TASK tab click the Outdent Task button, it pushes that task higher in the outline and you can see now it's at the same level as Identify costs, so Identify costs is no longer a summary task. If I decide that I want Identify costs to be part of the Choose new location summary task, I can then indent that one. So I go up to the Task tab and click the Indent Task button, and now Identify costs is part of the Choose new location summary task. You can also move…
