From the course: Python Automation and Testing

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Cross-browser support

Cross-browser support

- The Selenium WebDriver supports various browsers including Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Safari. This is useful when you want to run a single script on multiple browsers to ensure that your code is compatible with all the browsers available. Selenium can also be extended to run on various systems and platforms. Here since we're checking for web UI support we're going to check cross-browser compatibility in specific. In the case of Firefox, the FirefoxDriver binary needs to be installed separately from the Python site and added to the system path. An instance of Firefox browser can be created through your code using the following line. Driver = webdriver.Firefox. Let me quickly shift to the browser and show you how the Firefox binary can be installed and added to your system path. The binaries for the various web drivers provided by Selenium can be installed from the following site The driver is available for Chrome, Edge…
