From the course: Python GUI Development with Tkinter
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Installing Python 3 and Tcl/Tk for Windows
From the course: Python GUI Development with Tkinter
Installing Python 3 and Tcl/Tk for Windows
- [Instructor] If you're a Windows user, you're in luck. Because the standard Python Windows installer includes both Tcl/TK and the Tkinter Python module. This makes the installation process very simple. In fact, if you've already installed Python on your Windows machine, then it's very likely you already have everything you need to use Tkinter. In this video, I'll walk you through the entire Python Windows installation process, beginning with downloading the installers. After that, I'll show you how to verify that Tcl/TK and Tkinter have been properly installed in your machine and functioning correctly. To get the Python installer, go to the download page at Select the version of Python you want to install. In this case, I'm going to choose the Python 3.4.1 64-bit installer and click the link to begin the download. After the download is completed, run the .msi installer file. This will bring up the Python 3.4 installer. Just click Next to continue through the…
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