From the course: Revit: Rendering
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Cloud render types
- [Instructor] In this video, I want to share with you some of the other render types that are available in cloud rendering. So to access them, you have a couple options. One is to simply go to a 3D view and click rendering cloud, just like you would for a still image, and then click the continue button after the welcome screen there. And here, what you'd want to do is change your output type to one of the other choices. Now I'm going to talk about Panoramas and Stereo Panoramas in the next video. So for now, let's just use the illuminance option. Now here you'll have, of course your image size and you can choose whatever size you want. And then you'll need to specify a location and time and then a sky model. And there are several here. Now I'm not very familiar with lighting analysis. So you would probably want to have some familiarity with these various models to be able to choose a correct one. And then finally…
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