From the course: Revit 2020: Essential Training for Architecture (Imperial)

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Adding doors and windows

Adding doors and windows

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to keep refining the condominium layout that we've been working on in the last few videos, and we're going to add some doors and windows to it. The door and window tools are right here on the architecture tab of the ribbon. We've got the door tool here and the window tool here. So let's start with the door command, DR is the shortcut. The first thing you'll notice is if your cursor is out in empty space, you get this little circle with the line through it, and it tells you you need to click on a wall to place a door. So a door is what we call a hosted element, and it requires a wall host. So before a door will be able to be placed, you have to actually highlight a wall for placement. Now, before I actually start placing any doors, let's talk about what I've already preloaded here in this file. So if you go over to the type selector and open up the list, you can see that I've…
