From the course: Cert Prep: Revit Architecture Certified Professional
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Creating a duplicate view for a plan, section, elevation, and drafting view - Revit Tutorial
From the course: Cert Prep: Revit Architecture Certified Professional
Creating a duplicate view for a plan, section, elevation, and drafting view
- [Narrator] We're going to have a look now at renaming and duplicating our views in our Revit projects. So, we've got a new Revit project for you RevitProject_VIEWS.rvt, you can see the name at the top of the screen there, and as usual you can download it from the website to use to follow along with the video. In the Project Browser, as per a lot of these videos, I'm in the Floor Plans and I'm in Level 0. Just make sure that you are in Level 0. If you're not, double-click on it, and you'll see a nice floor plan there with some doors, some windows, some furniture, some rooms, and so on. Now, what we're going to do is, we're going to start renaming our views in the project browser. Now, in the previous video we looked at levels and what we did with the levels was, we created levels, and renamed them, and renamed the corresponding floor plans, and ceiling plans. You can do that in the project browser as well. So, I'm going to right-click here on Level 0, and I'm going to rename it on…
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Defining element properties in a schedule3m 49s
Controlling visibility4m 51s
Using levels7m 56s
Creating a duplicate view for a plan, section, elevation, and drafting view5m 22s
Creating and managing legends6m 36s
Managing view positions on sheets6m
Organizing and sorting items in a schedule5m 24s