From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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How to build a roof dormer

How to build a roof dormer

- [Instructor] In this video I want to walk you through the process of creating a roof dormer. I'm going to show you with a roof dormer like the one we have here, but you could actually use this to join any two roofs together. I've got a completed one right here, and what it takes to make a roof dormer involves having of course a roof. Typically, there's going to be some wall elements that make up the surrounding portions underneath the dormer, and then inside of here somewhere, if I hide these three walls, there's also an opening cut here that cuts the dormer opening into the parent roof. Let's go ahead and walk through the steps we need. Now, not every dormer is going to require all of those pieces, but many of them will. So anyway, let's look at the essential steps. Now to get us started I have already added these three walls over here. Now those are just walls. You just go up to that floor plan, and you just draw…
