From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

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New in Revit 2020: Linking a PDF file to a Revit project

New in Revit 2020: Linking a PDF file to a Revit project

From the course: Revit: Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting

New in Revit 2020: Linking a PDF file to a Revit project

- [Instructor] This week we're going to look at an exciting new feature in Revit 2020, the ability to import PDF files. Now PDF files are very prevalent in the AEC industry. We use them for all sorts of things. So being able to import them directly into Revit now is a welcome edition. So I'd like to walk through the process with you, and if you're following along with me you're welcome to use any PDF that you happen to have on hand, or what I'm going to do is actually I'm here in a manufacturer's website. I'm going to download a PDF with some product information from them and then I'll bring that into my Revit project. So you're welcome to follow along with me if you prefer. So this is the Therma Tru Doors website. They've got a search field here at the top. I'll click that. I'll start typing the word architect. That will get me to the professionals link right here. And when I click that and scroll down just a little bit,…
