From the course: Rhino: Jewelry Modeling
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Setting up the pop-up menu - Rhino Tutorial
From the course: Rhino: Jewelry Modeling
Setting up the pop-up menu
- [Voiceover] So let's now take a look at our popup menu in Rhino. If you go to our mouse and hit the middle mouse button, you should have this little menu that pops up. When you left click away, it's gonna disappear. Then when you middle mouse again and click on this little bar here, you can dock it and keep it permanent in your screen. You have the bottom section and the right section to make it lower, and you can make it wider by dragging it to the right. Throughout the course of your modeling process, you will come across the time when you'll be accessing a number of these tools over and over again. And what I would recommend you doing is having some icons that you will be using more than 80% of the time. For example, I love to use the Hide. I also love to use icons like the Invert selection. So I'm gonna go ahead and copy it into here by holding Control and dragging it in. You can also take away icons you don't need like this Zoom extents. So I'm gonna hold Shift and just drag it…
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